Friday, January 23, 2009

Ok, I'm Stepping Onto the Worry Wagon

Today I'm distracted by the swelling I feel by my lymph node surgery. I actually felt this yesterday evening and it is still there today. I did call my doctor's office this morning inquiring about this and to ask some other questions that have crossed my mind. I was told he was in surgery and they didn't know when he'd be able to return my call.

It's now mid-afternoon and we're heading into a weekend. So I just tried my coordinator person and she's not available right now either. (She's an RN and maybe she could tell me whether I should be worried about this or not.) I'm hoping she'll contact me before today's end.

I'm probably over reacting? Right? I'm not running a temp, it's not overly warm to the touch and I'm not in severe pain, just feels awkward, like I've got a ball or something under my armpit. Gosh I hate how I worry these days. . .


  1. I am praying for peace for you my friend.xx

  2. Mine STILL feels swollen at times. Right now in fact. So I don't think it is a major worry. It might be some extra blood in there, it could just be from the trauma of all the surgery but it isn't anything that will kill you I wouldn't think. As long as you aren'r running a temp or there is no pus by the incision, it is probably just healing. I hope someone calls you back!!! I know how you are feeling I think.

    I have decided that on Tuesday I will be calling my oncologist about this chest pain. It is almost intolerable now. It's time to take care of it--no matter how bad the news may be. I just don't want to set into motion the CRAP that will from this if it is a metasteces or a recurrence. I don't want to upset the apple cart but it is to the point where it hurts too bad. Sigh.

    Have you picked a surgery date yet?


  3. Hi Hon, just a note to say I am happy some of the area had released some clear liquid before night time, I hope today will be better for you, and hope the swelling goes down. It is not easy to carry a bowling ball under your arm pit is what I think I heard you say, this has to be hard, but you will make it through. I know you will.
