Friday, January 2, 2009

The Big Fall

I'm calling today's post the "Big Fall" because I had an expected fall this morning and knocked the back of my head pretty hard on the floor of my kitchen. I never realized the dangers of Heidi Girl's bones that lay about the house. Yes, I've put ice on it and I even called my mother-in-law so somone would check on me know and then. I bet Tylenol and I are going to become buddies for the next day or so.

With that happening, it put a monkey wrench to some of the things I thought I'd try to accomplish. I decided to take it easy and just try to accomplish getting the wash done. Better to be safe than sorry. Well I'm going to go and apply an ice pack to the back of my head. Maybe I can write again later.

1 comment:

  1. I love your dog! How cute is she! We have a lab. I too trip over my dog's things (her especially) so I know the dangers. But ice has been my demise--I fell twice outside in one week and my knee still hurts like crazy. Both times were at work--around a bunch of high school kids! Talk about humbling. HA!

    Stay brave my sister ! : )

