It has been a while since I last wrote . . . I just wanted to share a little bit. I promise to keep it short.
I've been cancer free since February 2009! For that, I am very grateful. There's so many things for me to be grateful about. I'm grateful for sunshine, for a soft breeze that hits my face, for a chance to spend time with my husband . . . my family. . . my dog. Ah, there's so many things to be grateful for these days. . .
I am grateful for how cancer changed my life. The changes were baby steps at first and have now come forth with great significance. One major change, God became more and more important.
Last February I picked up my guitar and started practicing with the worship band at church. It took a couple of months to build my speed up, form callouses on my finger tips and get enough courage to start playing with the worship band on Sunday mornings. I had to over come my fear of playing in front of people and/or making mistakes that someone one might see and hear.
In April of 2012, I took the Abate class for Motorcycle safety and received my motorcycle endorsement. Believe it or not at 54 years old I am riding a motorcycle and loving it. But I had to overcome a lot of fear. I had to get past the accident I had 30 years prior.
Cancer taught me that time and life are precious. I didn't want to wait for a "better" time or when I had "more" time or when it didn't seem "as scary" to do the things that were important to me. I encourage everyone whether they are facing a life threatening situation or not to make time for God, your family and the things you hold dear. Step out in faith, you never know what you might find.
God Bless
One year later...March 2010
15 years ago